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Github auto dark mode JS - 12/16/2020, 7:09:34 PM
Open with Github Desktop on Linux JS - Enables the option to Open github repo with Github Desktop on Linux
Github News Unfold JS - A user script that unfolds GitHub news.
github新标签页打开 JS - try to take over the world!
Global Font: Adobe-branded CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Adobe-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
Global Font: Microsoft-branded CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Microsoft-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
GitHub PR File Filter JS - Hide and mark files as viewed using regex pattern.
Clone in VSCode JS - Clone Github respository in VSCode
Github - Inactive Development Warning JS - display big banner if project's last commit over 6 months ago and giant banner if over 1 year ago
Github Action Workflow 自动全部启用 JS - 自动点击全部 Enable workflow,免去手动一个个点
repoDownload JS - Script that add a button to download a github repository
GitHub Contribute Modifier JS - try to take over the world!
Git Markdown Content Navigation JS - Provide directory navigation of the markdown file content of the github/gitee website.
GitHub Repo Size JS - Calculate repo size and inject into GitHub page
Github1s JS - One second to read GitHub code with VS Code.
Github 云VSCode「用VS Code打开当前项目」 JS - 在浏览器中使用VS Code环境打开当前Github项目,再也不用Clone到本地使用IDE打开项目了😎
GitHub in VSCode JS - A userscript that adds a button to open a repo in VSCode using github1s
显示 star-history 按钮 JS - 在 Github 网站顶部显示 star-history 按钮,star-history 是一个统计项目 Star 走势图的网站
github1s JS - Open in vs code
github跳转vsc界面 JS - try to take over the world!
Github Comment English Time to GTM8 (Beijing) JS - github comment default shows English date without time, this script replace it as GTM8(Beijing time) 24h time
GitHub Watcher JS - A userscript that can check a repo, folder, file or branch for updates
GitHub ToolBox JS - Read code with VS Code(github1s)
GitHub Site-Wide Dark Mode JS - Fixes GitHub's dark mode not being enabled on Explore page, Marketplace, etc.
GitHub hide sidebar JS - Hides the sidebar on GitHub tickets to use all horizontal space.
Github/Gitlab nav enhance JS - Added link button for quick jump to personal repository list in Github/Gitlab
Github添加CND功能 JS - Github Code文件列表添加jsDelivr、Statically CND链接,便于CDN引用
Highlight RMS supporters JS - Highlights those who have signed the RMS Support letter
Github IDE Preview JS - Open a github repo in an online code editor (similar to VSCode)!
Change tab size on GitHub JS - Change tab width from 8 to 4 on GitHub
Github search open in new tab JS - open search results in new tab.
Filter Prompt for 'Awesome-Selfhosted' JS - Shows on the Awesome-Selfhosted GitHub page a filter prompt that allows you to hide any technology that you are not interested in
Github (Rawgit) Button 2021 JS - An userscript to add "Rawgit" button on github.
Absolute Date for GitHub JS - Changes relative dates to absolute dates on GitHub
GitHub light JS - GitHub light/day theme default for not signed-in users
GitHub Repo Share-to-Twitter Button JS - Add a Twitter share button to repository page
Github Find Active Forks [Embeded Edition] JS - Find most active fork of a github repository.
[Github] User-mention to profile page JS - Changes the user-mention URL to the user's profile page
Github Find Active Forks JS - allows you to find the most active forks of a repository.
GitHub in Gitpod JS - Open a repo in VS Code using Gitpod
Wide LIHKG JS - Change all pages to be full width and dynamically sized.
One Click to VS Code JS - One Click to VS Code <>. <>
Colorful Public/Private Labels for GitHub JS - Adds color to Public/Private labels of repositories on GitHub
Group by repo on github JS - When you search code using github, this script can help you group by repo
Google搜索、Github、YouTube点击链接打开新的标签页 JS - Google搜索、Github、YouTube点击链接时,在新的标签页打开链接网站
AutoEQ to EasyQ converter JS - convert & download XML for EasyQ
GitHub Red Issues CSS - Turns the issue color of closed issues from purple back to red - back reddish color icon for closed github issues.
ISO Formatted Time/Date for Github & StackOverflow JS - Change time/date to ISO format for Github and stackoverflow websites.
GitHub in JS - Open a repo in VS Code using
GHA workflow_dispatch JS - Add missing info in workflow_dispatch actions
Hack Font for GitHub JS - Set Font Hack as monofont for GitHub
Show all comments on github issue JS - Automatically clicks the "xxx hidden items" button on Github issue pages to successively load in all the comments in the page on load.
Useful Forks JS - Displays GitHub forks ordered by stars, and with additional information and automatic filters.
Dependabot commands - JS - Adds shortcut buttons to run dependabot commands in PRs where dependabot is the author
githubForkz JS - Adds a button to find active and useful forks on Github
显示github编辑按钮按钮 JS - 在 Github 网站顶部分别显示 和github.dev按钮,支持项目进行在线编辑
Render KaTex on GitHub JS - Render KaTex math in GitHub MD files
Material design icons (beta) JS - Adds file Icons to GitHub
OdooTasksLinks JS - Adds some features on,,, and to integrate it with Moduon Team and Odoo
GitHub Gist apply dark theme on secret Gists JS - Apply dark theme to your secret Gists on GitHub Gist
GitHub apply dark theme on private repo JS - Apply dark theme to your private repository pages on Github
Global Font: Huawei-branded CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Huawei-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
MMS IAM Pull Request template JS - A small script intended to apply a Cloud IAM team scoped Github PR template when creating new pull requests against the 10gen/mms repo
GitHub Diff File Toggle JS - A userscript that adds global diff file toggles
GithubPlusPlus JS - High-speed download of Git Release, Raw, Code(ZIP) and other files.
Game Search Helper JS - Adds search buttons on various gaming related websites to search for the game on external sites
Fake PerformanceObserver JS - Unblock pages broken by dom.enable_performance_observer = false
Linguist Expand JS - Expands Github's Linguist language list on repositories to show every language instead of hiding the small percentage under "Other"
Better GitHub Pull Requests JS - Improves the GitHub Pull Request UI and adds several features. "Better PRs"
Show Code To Visual Studio JS - Show Github Project to Visual Studio Code!
Down Git JS - Create GitHub Resource Download Link.
新商盟(chengyingming) JS - 新商盟自动添加烟的数据
GitHub Remark JS - GitHub remark
GitHub工程快捷载入在线VS Code JS - F1载入‘github1s’,F2载入‘’
Auto-Copy-Github-Repository-Name JS - add an btn that can copy github repository name when deleteing a repository
github在线编辑/运行 JS - github跳转github1s和gitpod
Github Dashboard Filter JS - Minimizes pushs and commits from github actions and bots from dashboard
Unfollow All Github JS - 6/8/2022, 12:55:28 AM
modler JS - Oneclick-like installer for Beat Saber mods from github.
Mark `.freezed.dart` and `.gr.dart` files as "Viewed" on G pressed, Mark `.lock` files on L pressed JS - Simplify review by skipping generated files
GitHub commits button JS - bring back the commits tab on github repos
Hide Github Recommended for you JS - Hide Github Recommened Followers
tampermonkey-emoji-commit-github JS - to commit with emoji !!! !!!
Open GitHub Repo in VSCode JS - Open GitHub Repo in
Playground Links JS - Adds links to our playgrounds and jira tickets to the PR title.
Github code review page formatter JS - Automatically set split and ignore whitespace mode on github
GitHub Notification Right Click to Repo Page JS - Open the repository home page with a right click on the notification item. 右键点击 GitHub 的通知项直接跳转到项目主页。
Github QoMar JS - QoMar file support for Github
GitHub Confirm Auto Select-All JS - GitHub Confirm Auto Select All
GitHub Default Issues Filter JS - Replaces GitHub issue's default filter
Metasearch JS - Aggregated Searcher
PR Anti-Edit JS - Untick checkbox allowing edits from maintainers for new pull and merge requests on GitHub and GitLab. Effectively, it prevents extraneous adding and modifying commits within your fork's branch acting as a source in PR/MR you create. May be useful to those of you who don't appreciate upstream maintainer tampering with your allegedly perfect work.
GitHub添加Editor入口 JS - add editor entry in
Customize Google Translate JS - For Google Translate, you can customize and specify tags and keywords without translating
I AM Sure JS - Never worried about that like 'Please type ... to confirm'
Kill Keyboard Shortcut on Github Notifications JS - Kill all keyboard shortcuts on Github Notification screen because of that causes critical effect by easy operational error.
Button to copy the raw file URL | Github JS - Adds a button at the end of each file row to copy the raw file URL
GitRec JS - A recommender system for GitHub repositories based on Gorse
GitHub Show Contribution Languages JS - Adds a small language tag next to the repository list of your contributions.