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🌟 Ultimate Web Enhancer 🚀 JS - A powerful script to enhance YouTube, Facebook, X, Spotify, Reddit, Twitch, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Discord, GitHub, Google, Wikipedia, eBay, Hulu, Quora, Medium, Stack Overflow, IMDb, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and more with intelligent features.
GitHub Internationalization JS - Translate
Github Enhancement - High Speed Download JS - High-speed download of Git Clone/SSH, Release, Raw, Code(ZIP) and other files (Based on public welfare), project list file quick download (☁)
YouTube Center JS - YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
Github Search Purification JS - Clean up Github search page, block sensitive repositories by cirosantilli and others.
GitHub Folder Downloader JS - To add a download button for a GitHub folder, which allows easy downloading of a specific folder, you can follow these steps
GitHub Mirror JS - GitHub mirror. Accelerate access to GitHub. Support Clone, Release, RAW and ZIP acceleration.
gh-proxy-buttons JS - add a button beside github link(releases,files and repository url), click to get alternative url according to previously specified proxy.
Global Font: Apple-branded CSS - An user stylesheet to replace all fonts on web pages with Apple-branded fonts, brings you a more unified and beautiful visual style.
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
GitHub Toggle Wiki Sidebar JS - A userscript that adds a button to toggle the GitHub Wiki sidebar
GitHub Diff File Toggle JS - A userscript that adds a toggle to show or hide diff files
GitHub Toggle Code Wrap JS - A userscript that adds a code wrap toggle button
GitHub Diff Files Filter JS - A userscript that adds filters that toggle diff & PR folders, and files by extension
GitHub Files Filter JS - A userscript that adds filters that toggle the view of repo files by extension
Toc Bar, auto-generating table of content JS - A floating table of content widget
Download github repo sub-folder JS - download github sub-folder via one click, copy the single file's source code easily
GitHub Internationalization JS - Translate GitHub
Refined GitHub Notifications JS - Enhances the GitHub Notifications page, making it more productive and less noisy.
Open in Codeflow JS - Enhances GitHub to add a button to open the repo/issue/PR in Codeflow.
Refined GitHub Comments JS - Remove clutter in the comments view
Github Old Feed JS - Replace the shit💩 new feed with the old one.
slash search bar focus JS - Focus search bar on pressing SLASH (/) or BACKSLASH (\) on,,, github, aliexpress, hornbach, readly, greasyfork, ebay, temu
Github 增强 - 高速下载 修改 JS - 高速下载 Git Clone/SSH、Release、Raw、Code(ZIP) 等文件 (公益加速)、项目列表单文件快捷下载 (☁)、添加 git clone 命令
Github Copy Raw File URL and Download File JS - Add buttons at the end of each file line to copy the raw file URL and download the file
Refined GitHub Last Read JS - Show the last read position of issues and pull requests in GitHub.
GitHub Image Previewer JS - Previews various image formats, including JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, WebP, SVG, and ICO.
GitHub Gist Copier & Downloader JS - Adds copy button to Gist files for easy code copying.| Adds download button to Gist files for easy code downloading.
github-tabstop JS - add tabstop option for hard tabs (works for github/gist)
GitHub Latest JS - Always keep an eye on the latest activity of your favorite projects
Make GitHub Pull Request, Commit, and Blob pages full width JS - Makes the GitHub Pull Request, Commit, and Blob pages span the full width of the browser, rather than maxing out at the default ~900 pixels.
Reload GitHub Pull Request Diff page to ignore whitespace JS - Reloads the GitHub Pull Request Diff page, adjusting the URL to have the diffs ignore whitespace.
GitHub - Open Source Report Card JS - Add link to The Open Source Report Card
GitHub: Add Flattr button JS - Add Flattr button on
Github Gist Share JS - Share your GitHub Gist to Twitter, Dabblet, Bl.ocks & as userscript.
Github Pull Request From Link JS - Make pull request branches linkable
Github Commit Diff JS - Adds button to show diff (or patch) file for commit
Github News Feed Filter JS - Add filters for GitHub homepage news feed items
GitHub - CoderStats JS - Add link to CoderStats
Github Commit Whitespace JS - Adds button to hide whitespaces from commit
Github: unfold commit history JS - Adds "unfold all changesets" buttons (hotkey: f) above/below Commit History pages at github, letting you browse the source changes without leaving the page. (Click a commit header again to re-fold it.) You can also fold or unfold individual commits by clicking on non-link parts of the commit. As a bonus, all named commits get their tag/branch names annotated in little bubbles on the right.
Github: JSON reformatter JS - Reformats JSON(P) files in the github tree view for readability.
Github Comment Enhancer JS - Enhances Github comments
Export GitHub Issues JS - Can export issues by state and label
Github Contributions Heatmap JS - Adds a heatmap to the Github contribution graph.
GitHub Toc JS - Generate TOC(Table of Content) for Github readme and Github Wiki
GitHub - Linkify package.json dependencies JS - Turns the names of packages into links to their homepages when looking at a package.json file
Github Rawgit Button JS - An userscript to add "Rawgit" button on github.
Github: Add Releases Button JS - Adds a releases button
Github Gist JS - More space for gists
GitHub file list beautifier JS - Adds colors to files by type, displays small images in place of file-type icons in a repository source tree
Github Notifications Dropdown JS - When clicking the notifications icon, displays notifications in a dropdown pane, without leaving the current page.
GitHub code review helper - open/hide diff on click JS - Open/hide GitHub diff when clicking on diff header
Github JSON Dependencies Linker JS - Linkify all dependencies found in an JSON file.
Github User Info JS - Show inline user information on avatar hover.
gist-copy JS - Copy gist code with one-click.
Github Stats JS - Display download stats about the last release of Github projects.
Github Image Viewer JS - Preview images from within the listing.
GitHub Sortable Filelist JS - appends sorting function to github directories
Github Issue title + GFM Link JS - Provides a Github Flavored Markdown text as an issues title
Github Pages Linker JS - Add a link to Github Pages (gh-pages) when available.
GitHub commit timestamps JS - Displays absolute time for commits (if less than 18 hours ago)
MCP :: SRG Mapper JS - Apply SRG mappings to code.
GitHubSourceTree JS - Adds a "Clone in SourceTree" button to github pages
Github color preview JS - Adds colour to github gutter if the line contains a hex color code
gira JS - gira test
Github Compare view JS - Increases Github width on compare view
Fix line numbers on github JS - Fixes the fact that line numbers fuck up on github
Github Pull Request Reviewer JS - Give some order to your pull request
Github Word Wrapping for CODE blocks JS - Switches word wrapping for CODE blocks in comments on
GitHub - Make PRs easier to diff JS - Add some functionality to github
Add the "Explore" button to GitHub JS - Adds the now missing "Explore" button to github left item bar
CheckChangelogFromGithubRelease JS - Check ChangeLog from Github Relase page.
Toggl-Button GitHub JS - Toggle button for GitHub
Github Whitespace Ignorer JS - Ignores whitespace on Github Diffs
- - Extra header links JS - Adds "Stars" and "Watching" links, as well as your user profile link, to the header alongside the existing "Pull Requests", "Issues" and "Gist" links.
GitHub Code Colors JS - A userscript that adds a color swatch next to the code color definition
GitHub Title Notification JS - A userscript that changes the document title if there are unread messages
Gist to dabblet JS - Add a link button to any gist with dabblet information
GitHub Table of Contents JS - A userscript that adds a table of contents to readme & wiki pages
GitHub Issue Comments JS - A userscript that toggles issues/pull request comments & messages
GitHub Remove Diff Signs JS - A userscript that hides the "+" and "-" from code diffs
GitHub Custom Hotkeys JS - A userscript that allows you to add custom GitHub keyboard hotkeys
Hide github fork button JS - Hide github fork button for some reason.
GitHub Monospace Font Toggle JS - A userscript that adds monospace font toggle to comments
Extract Special Characters JS - Extract special character data from ocr-gt-tools wiki
GitHubFlow PR merge idiot-proofing JS - Confirmation before common mistakes when merging Pull Requests in github
GitHub Search Autocomplete JS - A userscript that adds autocomplete search filters to GitHub
Copy github file to clipboard JS - Add copy github file text to clipboard
GitHub Reactions on lists JS - Delivers shiny emoji reactions to issues and pull requests right to listings!
GitHub Static Time JS - A userscript that replaces relative times with a static time formatted as you like it
Github PR Incremental Diffs JS - Provides you incremental diffs with the help of an extra server
Gist Raw Links JS - Add a button that contains a list of gist raw file links
GitHub Issue Show Status JS - A userscript that adds an obvious indicator showing if an issue or pull request is open or closed
GitHub Reveal Header JS - A userscript that reveals the header when hovering near the top of the screen
RawGit Button for JS - add a RawGit button for
Github Private by Default JS - Make Private Repos the default on
Return Github Light JS - Make Header Light
github no header-dark JS - seamlessly remove .header-dark on github